Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wikleaks? More like Wikileech!

Here's an interesting video-- a debate between journalists on the nature of investigative journalism, as well as whether Julian Assange is in fact committing a crime.

"Publishing classified information is what journalists do" -- one of the quotes in this video. While it is true that what journalists around the world (mostly) aim to do is to report and disseminate the truth, "classified information" takes "truth" to a whole new level. Besides breaching government secrecy acts, it severely harms diplomacy in international relations.

Some may argue that the truth behind government conspiracy theories should be made known to the public (in the name of democracy and freedom of speech/access to information which honestly I feel is far too overrated), there has to be a certain amount of control and consideration on Assange's part, in which his actions may have huge rippling effects on international diplomacy. Even Singapore hasn't been spared.

As a (very self-censoring) writer, I feel that even though the Wikileaks documents provide massive amounts of information that is simply screaming to be written about, journalists have to practice discernment over what should be revealed versus what should be kept as a government secret (although it really is no longer is a secret now that Wikileaks has revealed virtually everything).

Perhaps I only feel this way because I have been brought up in Singapore, where even though I do value being told the truth, the wider picture of the "greater good" to maintain diplomacy and peace in society and with our ASEAN neighbours is still more important to me. And obviously also because whatever we write without discernment will have serious ramifications. But consider this -- while Wikileaks acts as the watchdog of the government, is there anyone to watch them? Instead of being 'Wikileaks', are they really, rather, "Wikileech", where Assange is leeching off this new found Robin Hood fame to profit from a book he is set to publish? Like a leech that is both a boon and bane, Wikileaks shines light on the truth, but is ultimately a pest that the government has to get rid of.

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